The controversial housing bill known as SB 50 in California has been pushed off to next year.
The ‘New Housing” bill that called for sweeping changes to California’s zoning rules is dead for the year. Advocates say it’s a major setback for an ambitious legislative package that aimed to solve the housing crisis, but residents call it a triumph as they worried the zoning overhaul would change their cities for the worse.
Senate Bill 50, which would have:
- Allowed fourplexes in neighborhoods zoned for single-family homes.
- Forced cities to approve taller, denser residential buildings near transit stops.
- And was one of the most-watched — and hotly debated — bills of the year.
It also was the cornerstone of a group of bills that attempted to ease the affordable housing shortage that is driving Californian’s costs up and quality of life down.
The halt to the bill was a surprise. Moments before the bill was set to undergo a crucial vote in the Senate Appropriations Committee, the committee chair announced SB 50 would be held for the rest of the year and come back for a vote in January 2020.
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Join our Home buyer’s Workshop …For those looking to Buy and Sell

Come have Lunch and Learn from the Pros
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Noon – 2pm
North Ridge Country Club
Text the Word: “Workshop” and your email to 916-693-5224.
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- Get your Credit Score evaluated
- Line up your Pre-Approval for a Home Loan
- Start the process to find your Perfect Home with Myesha Perry.
We want to eliminate the fears of purchasing a new home. Home ownership is affordable.
In these workshops, we will explain the home-buying process for you. We are going to give you all the information and tools you need.
These are the details “from A-Z” on how to purchase a home. We’ll hold your hand through the process because new homeowners can benefit from the information.
– Home Loan Lenders will be on site from Guild Mortgage.
– Credit Repair Specialists are available for you.
– Meet Todd Bird, Host of
– Enjoy light snacks.
– Experience the grounds of North Ridge Country Club.
– Work with a team to help you get into your new home.
Text the Word: “Workshop” and your email to 916-693-5224.
Or grab a copy of the Evite HERE