The Spring Time is here. We’re out exploring for new ideas from the area Home Shows and look who we found! It’s Keith Howard, owner of American Therapy Tubs.
Keith’s out at this weekend’s Home Show in Auburn. We got to talking about his Walk-in Tubs…
“Our tubs give you a lot of flexibility when you are looking to add a spa-like therapeutic tub to your home. We have 19 models and we custom build every tub for the customer, so they can get the tub designed specifically with the right systems for them. Homeowners do not have to pay for systems they don’t think they would use. That allows us to fit more people and stay within budget.
“If people want to go down and look at our showroom they can actually touch and see our Walk-in tubs because they are the Mercedes-Benz of tubs.“
Come by our showroom or request an estimate online, we will give you $1,000 off the cost of installation.
Keith Howard, Owner of American Therapy Tubs
“Anybody can come into our showroom. They can look at the different styles of tubs. They can actually sit in a tub and experience all the systems and decide which features they would like in their own tub.“
The showroom for American Therapy Tubs is right off Hwy 99 at the Grant Line Road exit. The address is 10471 Grant Line Road in Elk Grove. It’s the first turn off the freeway and a nice little drive from Sacramento or San Joaquin County.
Give Keith a call to set up your appointment. 916-685-0888. Take advantage of their offer of $1,000 off Installation by mentioning Ask The Contractors, or through his website, and experience the benefits of an American Therapy Walk-in Tub for yourself.
The Health Benefits of an American Therapy Walk-in Tub:

– The micro bubble system
It infuses oxygen into the water so you’re sitting in oxygen-rich water. The largest organ on your body is your skin, so you absorb oxygen through your skin improve the cells in your body.
– Powerful Water Jets for water therapy
These many water jets massage you in specific ways to eliminate sore muscles and joints. Take Fibromyalgia, for example, our water jets can alleviate the pressure that causes pain.
– Ease the pain of Arthritis
– Improve Blood Circulation
– Pull out and eliminate Toxins from your skin
– Aromatherapy to improve your sleep patterns
– Chromotherapy
Light therapy along with aromatherapy balances your emotions and puts your mood, and mind at ease.
To learn more about American Therapy Tubs, browse the website, www.AmericanTherapyTubs.com. Take advantage of their $1000 off your installation by calling Keith or Lawrence at 916-685-0888.
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