Ask The Contractors a Question:

This Question is from a local homeowner, Patrick.

I need to remove a kitchen cabinet from the wall. The problem is that I recently had marble tile put on the same wall. Now I cannot remove the cabinets because part of the cabinet is grouted to the tile.


 Here is the Question:

  • Without cutting out the Marble, do you have any ideas on how to remove the cabinet?


To help me answer this question I have Videm, owner of Ace Kitchens, one of our trusted Home Improvement Pros.



Or follow along with the Transcript below and pictures from Patrick


Videm: “So the best solution is to unscrew the cabinet, and then take it down. After that, we want to clean up the bottom of it where the grout is. I would scrape the grout off and clean up the tile. Also, clean up the extra grout that was touching the cabinets.”




We want to replace this cabinet and not disturb the beautiful new marble tile.

Todd:  “Right.”



Videm: “After the repair and after putting back the cabinet, you are going to have a small grout joint there. Go to your local hardware store to pick up a tube of non-sanded grout in a caulking tube. You want to apply it to the exposed joint. Next, with a damp rag or a damp sponge, you can clean off the excess grout. That will get your cabinets back to the way it looked before the repair.”


Todd: “Let me get this straight… Once the cabinets are removed, you get all the excess grout off, you put the new cabinet and you come back with a sanded caulking that is similar to grout itself.



Here’s a good tip


Todd: “We recommend you save some of the broken grout and take that with you to the Hardware store so you get the color as close as you can, if not the exact color.”


Videm: “Exactly. In most cases, since you recently had the marble put in, you probably have some grout left over. In that case, you can get a contractor to come in and apply that grout and finish the repair.”



Getting ready to take out the Kitchen Cabinet and leave the new tile intact.


Todd: “That is great advice. Thank you so much for being with us today. Videm, owner of Ace Kitchens. You want to go to our website and the Contractors Directory to check out Ace kitchens. All of their information is right there.”



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