How old is your heating and air conditioning unit? If it’s more that 15 years old it’s probably not running as efficiently as possible. There are many ways to keep your HVAC unit performing at it’s peak levels. Dave Campbell from Authority Heating and Air Conditioning says the best thing you can do is keep you unit tuned up. Right now Authority is offering a tune-up for $49 dollars as a Summer Special. They check and clean the condenser coils to reduce the wear and tear, check the refrigerant levels and much more. Call Dave, the owner at Authority Heat & Air Conditioning now at (916) 474-9916 and be sure to tell them Ask The Contractors said, “Hi”.
Finally, Dave’s team of technicians will impress you. The crew at Authority Heat & Air Conditioning can work with any heating, ventilation, cooling, and refrigeration systems. Speaking of refrigeration, Dave says there are new refrigerants being used to replace Freon. That’s because Freon is bad for the environment with better options to keep your home cool and comfortable. Give Dave a call if you think you may have a unit with Freon in the system.

Dave Campbell, Authority Heat and Air Conditioning
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